Thursday, August 13, 2009

Goal: 50,000 pairs of Shoes in 50 Days!!

Zach Braff and Donald Faison, stars of the TV show, Scrubs, have joined forces with Soles4Souls to gather and distribute 50,000 pairs of shoes to the less fortunate around the world. Go to the website to learn more about it! This began August 1st and is running until September 18th. Due to generous donations, they have collected just over 4,000 pairs to date! A donation as small as $5 will provide two pairs of shoes!

We often forget to be thankful for the things we have and this is a great way to give something you may have in abundance to someone who has none at all. All you sneaker/heel collectors who buy shoes that cost easily over $100 a pair, should really think about all the fresh, only worn once pairs of shoes you have and donate what you can. The $150 you just spent on 1 pair of Jordan's could have been spent on 30 pairs of shoes for the less fortunate!! Let's put our money toward something truly meaningful for once!!!

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